RhetorIQ Content Development
5 Ways We’re Different

1. We are more than writers.
We’re content developers, not stenographers. We don’t just write down whatever our clients say, make it sound fancy and call it a day. We help you develop a strong point of view by going beyond what’s already been said. Our experience with every business topic gives us a good idea of what’s fresh, compelling, and most likely to draw an audience. And our experienced staff quickly establish a good working rapport with your experts.

2. We strive to say something new.
Most business articles repeat the same old advice. Few research reports provide groundbreaking insight. We have many techniques to help clients present their ideas in new and useful ways. One is to ask counterintuitive questions such as “Everyone thinks X about digital disruption. How might they be wrong?” Another is to focus on who has the problem and work backward from field examples to arrive at fresh insights.

3. We do the heavy lifting.
Our process assigns most of the work to us. We start by interviewing a subject matter expert and reviewing background materials. We turn that information into a high-level outline, then a detailed outline as we incorporate feedback and gather more information. We avoid multiple rewrites because we crystalize the main argument and supporting examples in the outline before we turn it into a draft. And we QA each other’s work before it leaves the building, so you don’t have to.

4. We have high standards.
Too many business articles and white papers are boring, littered with generalities, and packed full of jargon. We know how to express complex business concepts in plain, accessible language while finding the right examples, data, and personal experiences to substantiate your point of view. Then we add the right dose of storytelling to make the finished product a pleasure to read. Our high editorial standards are the reason many of our clients get published in leading business journals and magazines.

5. We scale quickly to meet your needs.
We help with editorial projects at every stage of their development, from idea generation to writing articles to giving a report a final polish. Our content team includes business writers, editors, and researchers from a variety of disciplines. We can scale up or down depending on the size of your project, bringing the right professionals to every job. We can respond quickly to meet tight deadlines or work over longer periods. You set the pace.